SFU parking

Google map looking down on SFU surrey parking lot

Google map looking down on SFU surrey parking lot

Parking at Simon Fraser University Surrey is not as easy as it seems. There are restrictions and regulations of how students should park put out by diamond parking security. Only those who redeem a parking pass from a lottery, usually drawn on the first week of the semester, are allowed to park in the designated parking levels. What are the chances of winning? In total there are only two levels of permitted parking and how many students?

The third and fourth floor in the parking lot is for authorized parking pass holders or mall committers and the 5th floor is for paid parking for those visitors of SFU or people who don’t want to risk getting a ticket. However the majority of non-pass holders do not park at 5th floor, why? It is because of the costly hourly fee of 2$ per hour from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. At that rate, with my income and expenses, i for one would rather park the 3 hour parking limit that is designed for shoppers and risk getting a ticket. However if caught violating the diamond parking restriction and regulations the cost starts at 45$ upwards to 60$ if not paid within the due date. There are multiple ways of getting caught: parking more than the permitting customer parking which is 3 hours or a diamond parking patrol catching one parking with the intention of attending SFU without a parking permit.

For those who are unlucky and drive that did not win the parking pass, SFU suggests parking at other lots surrounding SFU such as 102nd avenues Plaza, Safeway, White spots and a few others at a ridiculous price of 50$ a month.

Sources: http://www.surrey.sfu.ca/community/parking_transit.html

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